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Though the 35-year-old Lukas has some pretty big shoes to fill, he has the support of his dad, who encourages him to embrace his talents.

“I was talking with my dad one day, when I was 11 or 12, and asked him what he wanted for his birthday,” Lukas tells the Aspen Times. “He said he wanted me to play guitar. So, I said sure. And I fell in love with it.”

Through his teenage years, he played percussion and rhythm guitar in his father’s band, but Lukas did not like singing.

“I had it in my mind what my voice sounded like, but I couldn’t do it. I thought I sounded like a girl. So, I stopped once I started playing guitar.” Explaining that he’s way more comfortable now with his vocals, Lukas adds, “I’m pretty happy with it now…I’m learning what keys sound best, and how to sing lower. Singing low is important because you get a full, round sound to it. It doesn’t sound like I’m on helium anymore.”

Grammy night

Lukas has come a long way since he stopped singing as a teenager.

In 2020, Lukas – one of Nelson’s eight children – won a Grammy for his work on the 2018 film A Star is Born. He wrote and co-produced several songs in the film, appeared on-screen as a member of Bradley Cooper’s character’s band, and worked as Cooper’s vocal coach.

Lukas wasn’t the only Nelson to win a Grammy that night. His the 91-year-old father took home his 10th Grammy that evening.

“Already so humbled to have won a Grammy tonight, but it’s a crazy world to be able to win the same night as my dad,” Lukas tweeted about his win. “A rare honor shared only with a few other incredible fathers and sons. So grateful to be a part of his legacy and watch it continue to grow.”

Since filming A Star is Born, Lukas has become quite close with Lady Gaga, who loaned her powerful vocals to his 2017 album, “Lucas Nelson & Promise of the Real.”

Dad’s approval

Having shared the stage with many titans like his father and Neil Young, Lukas has a sincere and unique delivery of music, serving as a reminder of the immense talent that flows through his blood.

Despite his pedigree, he’s not a clone of his father, who’s known for the 1980 song “On the Road Again,” which is dedicated to his busy touring life.

Lukas, who’s credited with composing music for the 2021 film Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard, counts his father as a huge influence, but he’s also absorbed the classic riffs and tones of artists like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and Jimi Hendrix, and the blues such as Stevie Ray Vaughan.

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