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Enemies of the Pride: What Kills and Eats Lions?

In the African savannah, the “King of the Jungle” reigns supreme. The lion is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. But, even kings have their adversaries. This article discusses the dynamics between lions and their natural enemies. While some, such as hyenas, are quite well known, others may surprise you.

1. Hyenas

Hyenas are often depicted as dirty, ugly scavengers, yet in the wild, they are the biggest threat to lions. These two species engage in fierce competition over food sources, leading to epic confrontations. Hyenas, with their powerful jaws and strategic group hunting tactics, often challenge lions, especially when they outnumber them.

While a lone lion can dominate a few hyenas, the tables turn when more hyenas band together. In these group confrontations, hyenas can overwhelm a lion, potentially injuring or even killing it through sheer force and teamwork.

Hyenas can and will eat lions if the opportunity arises. They rarely, if ever, actively hunt lions for food, but can prey on lion cubs or sick, injured or weak adults. Hyenas have powerful jaws capable of breaking through bone, which allows them to consume almost every part of a lion carcass.

2. Crocodiles

At the water’s edge, the crocodile is a dangerous enemy of the lion. These ancient reptiles pose a significant risk to lions coming to drink or cross water bodies. These ambush predators can drag a lion underwater, utilizing their powerful jaws to drown it, tear it up, or break its bones.

Although lions can swim, they are inferior compared to crocodiles when in the water. Therefore, lions are cautious around water bodies known to harbor crocodiles. However, lapses in vigilance can lead to deadly outcomes.

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